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Hard Chrome Plating Consultants, Inc., 2196 West 59 Street, Cleveland Ohio 44102
Phone: 216-631-9090 Fax: 216-631-9060


Hard Facts about Hard Chrome

Volume 2, Issue 002

January 15 , 1999

Hard Chrome Plating Consultants Inc. 2196 West 59th Street and Walworth Ave., Cleveland Ohio 44102

Phone: 216 631 9090 Fax: 216 631 9060

Clarence H. Peger / D. Ward


Visit our Website


We will be adding some new material on our WEB Site (http://www.chromesupplies.com). You will be able to access updated instruction for our Porous Pot Chromic acid Purifier and our price sheet for our hard chrome plating supplies. We will post our newsletters on the web site as postage rates are going up in January. Please E-mail your E-mail address to info@hard-chromesystems .com if you want to get our newsletter in the future through E-mail. If you do not have an E-mail address or a WEB Site you should be getting Internet access now since most business will be conducted over the Internet in the future and you will miss out on any new customer. The best place to get a WEB SITE provider is WWW//METAL FINISHING.COM. A lot of your competitors are now on this WEB SITE and getting on it yourself will probably be your best bet to be found by new customer.


Copper Prices are At the Lowest Level in 11 Years


If your are thinking about expanding and adding a plating tank this might be the best time to buy copper bus bars or buying a DC Power Supply. Please Email or FAX us your requirement and we will be happy to quote you a price. We manufacture Reversible Hard Chrome Plating racks and by combining your order with ours, we can get better price for the copper. There is a lot of unsold copper stockpiled because of the Asian recession and over supply. When Asia solve their financial problems and come out of recession there will a lot of demand for copper and probably for all metals. You should take a look at your existing bus bar to see if they need to be replaced. If you have to replace your bus bar, it is probably because you are using the wrong style of exhaust hood. You should only have a Dual Lateral Hood pulling air from both sides with the slot sitting on the lip of the chrome tank below the bus bars. If have a hood that draws the chromic acid fumes across the chrome tank bus bars you will etch and destroy the bars. You will have C-clamp every rack because of the poor contact plus the expense of replacing them instead of lasting a lifetime.


Used Rectifier


The following used rectifiers are in good to excellent condition and do not need to be rebuilt. They are air cooled 240V 3 Phase. We also have some units on 460V but have to be rebuilt. We also sell New Rectifiers at a 5% discount. Please FAX or EMAIL us your needs and we will quote you our best price.




2000 AMP, 12 Volt DC, Darrah Electric, TAP SWITCH


1500 AMP, 6 Volt DC, Rapid Power, TAP SWITCH


1000 AMP, 12 Volt DC, Rapid Power, TAP SWITCH


3000 AMP, 9 Volt, AMERICAN Older unit TAP SWITCH


300 AMP, 0-12/24 Volt Trielectron Manual VAT


300 AMP, 2 to 6 Volt DC POWERTEC Single Phase $975.00
250 AMP, 0 to 7.5 Volt DC POWERTEN Manual Vat $1400.00
30 AMP, 0 to 40 Volt DC Motorola Lab Grade $500.00


Attn: Mist Suppressant Users


I have received a few calls lately about anodes being covered by a tan to brown layer of scale forming on the anodes instead of the black lead peroxide of a healthy anode. The customers say they have never seen this type of scale before they started using fume suppressants. This problem does not happen with all brands of fume suppressant and does not happen immediately. One of the causes may be that you are adding too much fume suppressant at a time and not controlling how much you add. You have to do EPA required stalagmometer tests and in this case adding more than you need is not better. It seems to happen over a period of time as the fume suppressants breaks down and builds up in the tank. Then a scale forms on the anodes and then anodes go passive. This causes the trivalent chrome to climb until the tank quits plating. If you think you are having this problem please call me. One of my customers came up with a way to correct this problem using our Porous Pot Chrome solution Purifier but you will need a different filter to remove the undissolved byproducts from the fume suppressant. You will need a porous pot to remove the dissolved byproduct, any metallic impurities, and reoxidize the trivalent Chrome.

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Hard Chrome Plating Consultants, Inc., 2196 West 59 Street, Cleveland Ohio 44102
Phone: 216-631-9090 Fax: 216-631-9060

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